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Saturday, July 20

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Sunday, July 21

8:30am PDT

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P001 Recurrent models optimized for face recognition exhibit representational dynamics resembling the primate brain TBA P002 Theoretical considerations of spiking neural networks with STDP and homeostatic balancing TBA P003 Quantifying structural similarity between real matrices with arbitrary shape TBA P004 An Adaptive Robot Controller Based on Distributed Synaptic Plasticity in a Cerebellar Network Model TBA P005 Ratio of excitatory to inhibitory neurons shapes computational properties in cortex TBA P006 From ion channel dynamics to chaotic neuronal population effects: Analysis of chaotic oscillator model with applications to mouse data TBA P007 Whole-brain connectome-based simulation in Parkinson’s disease TBA P008 Attractor-based neuromimetic models of mammalian spatial navigation circuits learn to navigate agents in simulated environments TBA P009 Abstract Diagnosis of Multimodal Neuroimaging Data for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis TBA P010 Natural Language Processing for Early Detection of Psychological Disorders in Brazilian Portuguese TBA P011 Modeling the connectivity of excitatory neuronal networks derived from human iPSCs TBA P012 Exploring the Role of Plasticity in Modulating Hippocampal Replays TBA P013 Evolutionarily Conserved Circuit Motifs in Drosophila and C. elegans TBA P014 Information integration (ϕID) and high order interactions in Caenorhabditis elegans sleep-wakefulness neural dynamics TBA P015 Predicting eye movements with a detailed network model of the cerebellar cortex TBA P016 Self-sustained activity and intermittent synchronization in balanced networks TBA P017 Reproducing behavior-related neural manifolds in a detailed model of motor cortex circuits TBA P018 The NetPyNE multiscale modeling tool: latest features and models TBA P019 Reorganisation of modular activity in cortical circuits TBA P020 Preserving network responses under dendritic simplification with the NEST::multiscale toolchain TBA P021 Extracellular ionic modulation: computational investigation of a new neuromodulatory tool TBA P022 Building in 3D: how different scaffold approaches influence neuronal activity in in vitro modelling TBA P023 Accessing signatures of criticality in neuronal data using maximum entropy models TBA P024 Benchmarking Deep Learning Architectures for Predicting Visual Stimuli Given Single Neuron Spike Patterns TBA P025 Harmonic oscillator RNNs: single node dynamics, resonance and the role of feedback connections. TBA P026 Role of information flow dynamics (top-down or bottom-up) in the gamma frequency band (≈40 Hz) of the EEG in cognitive functions and consciousness TBA P027 A biologically constrained model displaying gamma-to-theta cross-frequency directionality in the CA3 hippocampal circuit TBA P028 State Transitions of Neural Populations Underlying the Alpha and Gamma Rhythms in EEG/LFP TBA P029 A metric to evaluate the spatial tuning of hippocampal place fields that is reliable at low firing rates and short observation times TBA P030 Biophysical modeling to inform performance in motor imagery-based Brain-Computer Interfaces TBA P031 Investigating the Role of Astrocytes in Neural Networks Activity TBA P032 Robust bistability in spinal pain processing neurons TBA P033 Implementation and Validation of a Balanced Excitatory-Inhibitory Network in Loihi TBA P034 Alpha oscillations as the basis for erasing in a mechanistic model of working memory TBA P035 Using linear-look ahead modules of grid cells to navigate agents through reinforcement learning TBA P036 Biology-Inspired Oscillator Networks and the Functional Role of Oscillatory Dynamics in Neocortical Circuits TBA P037 Forgetting impairs reversal learning in mice and artificial neuronal networks TBA P038 Metabolism and Electrophysiology: Investigating the Crosstalk in a Reconstructed Rat Neocortical Circuit TBA P039 Implications of the Volume Transmission of Information on Learning and Prediction: An Analysis from Grossberg's Learning Theory TBA P040 Study of Dynamic Behavior in Neuron-Astrocyte Networks TBA P041 Dynamic Effects of Electric Fields on Thermosensitive Neuronal Networks TBA
Monday, July 22

8:30am PDT

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P042 Optimal coding and information processing due to firing threshold adaptation near criticality TBA P043 Diving into space: emerging and disappearing shared dimensions in neuronal activity under the influence of psychedelics TBA P044 How to measure the dynamic range of complex response functions? TBA P045 Hierarchical Brain Dynamics: Insights from Multicompartmental Neuronal Modeling TBA P046 Basic biophysical models of short-term presynaptic plasticity TBA P047 On EEG microstates and linear dynamics TBA P048 Formation of artificial neural assemblies by the E%Max-winners-take-all process TBA P049 The Virtual Brain links neurotransmitter changes and TMS-evoked potential alterations in major depressive disorder TBA P050 Visualizing information in Deep Neural Networks receiving competitive stimuli TBA P051 Astrocytic modulation of brain oscillations in a network model with neurons-astrocytes interactions in epilepsy TBA P052 piNET: A Neural Network Architecture Design to Maximize Decoding Accuracy Using Minimal Training Data TBA P053 A Supercomputing Simulation of Serotonergic Densities in a Shark Brain: Reflected Fractional Brownian Motion in Expanding Shapes TBA P054 A novel method to predict subject phenotypes from EEG Spectral Signatures TBA P055 Mesoscopic and microscopic information and its energy cost during synaptic plasticity TBA P056 Homeostatic self-organization towards the edge of neuronal synchronization TBA P057 Delineating roles of TRP channels in Drosophila larva cold nociception TBA P058 Beyond the Connectome: Divisive Normalization Processors in the Drosophila Early Olfactory and Vision Systems TBA P059 Unveiling the Impact of Brain's Scale-Free Topology on Information Processing TBA P060 Neural Modeling of Channelopathies to Elucidate Neural Mechanism of Neurodevelopmental Disorders TBA P061 Brain network flexibility as a marker of early adaptation between humans and intelligent wearable machines TBA P062 Training history determines shortcut usage in artificial agent navigation TBA P063 Disentangling circuit mechanisms of how prior expectations affect decision making across the mouse brain TBA P064 Comparison of methods of functional connectivity estimation in investigation of diurnal changes in working memory performance TBA P065 Idiom-independent reduced social references in Alzheimer's disease evoked speech TBA P066 Complexity is maximized close to the criticality between ordered and disordered cortical states TBA P067 Phase relations diversity between cortical populations: anticipated synchronization and phase bistability TBA P068 Mapping brain lesions to conduction delays: the next step for personalized brain models in Multiple Sclerosis TBA P069 Investigating the cellular and circuit mechanisms underlying schizophrenia-related EEG biomarkers using a multiscale model of auditory thalamocortical TBA P070 Neuron participation in temporal patterns forms cross-layer, non-random networks in rat motor cortex TBA P071 A Model of Activation of Cortical Cell Populations through TMS TBA P072 Dendritic persistent calcium current amplifies low-frequency fluctuations in alpha motor neurons TBA P073 Exploring Seizure Dynamics: A Computational Model of Epilepsy TBA P074 Computational Model of the Mouse Whisker Thalamocortical Pathway TBA P075 Biologically Inspired Constraints are Compatible with Gradient-Descent-based Learning in Spiking Neural Networks TBA P076 Decomposition of brain calcium signals in a Pavlovian learning task TBA P077 Quantifying the contribution of underlying physiological networks in functional brain connectivity through remnant functional maps TBA P078 Spreading depolarization in neocortical microcircuits TBA P079 Reinforcement and evolutionary learning of spatial navigation using models of hippocampal and entorhinal circuits TBA P080 Neuronal Transfer Entropy: a Biophysically Inspired Model of Information Flow Based on Dynamic Causal Modelling TBA P081 Behavior-dependent layer-specific oscillations, phase-amplitude coupling and spike-to-LFP coupling in a data-driven model of motor cortex circuits TBA P082 Oscillation-Induced Firing Rate Shift in a Working Memory Model TBA

7:10pm PDT

Tuesday, July 23


8:30am PDT

9:00am PDT

10:20am PDT

12:30pm PDT

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4:50pm PDT

P083 A simple computational model elucidates the origin of non-intuitive properties of ephaptic interactions between olfactory receptor neurons TBA P084 Astrocyte Morphology and Neurotransmitter Type Affect Intracellular Ca2+ and IP3 Dynamics TBA P085 Modelling astrocyte Ca2 dynamics as an integrator of synaptic activity TBA P086 Integrating the reaction-diffusion NEURON module in a Purkinje cell model TBA P087 Dynamic range and pattern formation near transition points of networks of either map-based neurons or heart cells TBA P088 Deep linear networks: a framework for understanding perceptual learning in natural and artificial networks TBA P089 An extended and improved CCFv3 annotation and Nissl atlas of the mouse brain TBA P090 Neuronal interactions described with a Game Theory-inspired network model TBA P091 Wavelet-based detection algorithm for the electrophysiological characterization of neurospheroid signals TBA P092 Exploring neurotransmitter release in a model of synaptic dynamics TBA P093 Spatiotemporal Variability in EEG Recordings Associated with Cognitive Impairments in Parkinson's Disease TBA P094 KTH Model: Investigating single neuron functionality TBA P095 A Methodology for Explaining Computational Psychiatric Diagnoses with Large Language Models, Integrated Gradients, and Linguistic Analysis TBA P096 A Century of the Alpha Rhythm and Its Relatives: A Unified Theory via Eigenmodes TBA P097 Modeling of temporal variability of gamma oscillations synchrony TBA P098 Critical behavior in hierarchical modular networks of stochastic neurons with reversal membrane potential TBA P099 From muscle spindle to spinal cord: A modelling approach of the hierarchical organization in motor control TBA P100 Waveform-based classification of dentate spikes TBA P101 AnalySim new features: Interactive notebooks and CSV browser TBA P102 Kolmogorov-Smirnov Statistic Based Parameter Learning for Complexity Synchronization Analysis of Physiological Time-Series TBA P103 The effect of nonlinear dynamics and axonal delays on the relationship between structural and functional brain connectivity TBA P104 The internal dynamics of the free-running receiver can mediate phase relations between two unidirectionally coupled neuron models TBA P105 Applying information theory quantifiers to analyze motor cortex activity of a non-human primate during an instructed delayed reach-to-grasp task TBA P106 Characterizing a visual search task using a symbolic information approach applied to human intracranial data TBA P107 A standardised pipeline for analysing neuronal models in NeuroML TBA P108 Geometric eigenmodes as a means to constrain the source localisation problem of EEG and MEG TBA P109 Potassium and calcium currents trigger epileptic activity TBA P110 Topological approaches to understanding multi-human team EEG state TBA P111 Using brain network modeling to understand the pharmacodynamics of ketamine TBA P112 Is the cortical dynamics ergodic? A numerical study in partially-symmetric networks of spiking neurons TBA P113 Robustness of sparse cortical networks TBA P114 OpenWorm updates: Consolidating connectomes, 2D worm body models, biophysically detailed neuron models and using LLMs to help build a worm TBA P115 The dual nature of synaptic homeostasis: Interaction between fast and slow processes TBA P116 Closed-loop neurostimulation for the treatment of pathological brain rhythms TBA P117 Some further developments on a neurobiologically-based model for human color sensation TBA P118 Shorter Intrinsic Timescales in Aging Brains: Insights from Spiking Neuron Networks TBA P119 Dynamical remodeling of neural circuit architecture TBA P120 A network model for flexible binding in working memory with dendritic bistability TBA P121 Synaptic down-scaling during sleep emerges as a by-product of decoupled neuronal activities TBA P122 Efficient Algorithms for Extracting Higher-Order Geometric Information from Complex Networks and its Applications to Neuroscience TBA P123 Tight E-I Balance, Feedback, and Efficient Coding in Hierarchical Spiking Neural Network: Modeling Simple and Complex Cell Dynamics TBA
Wednesday, July 24

8:30am PDT

9:00am PDT

10:20am PDT

12:30pm PDT

2:00pm PDT

3:20pm PDT

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